So today I have my first beauty blog in a while.... My January must-haves....
Now is the time to start thinking about prepping the body for this summers shenanigans. I am trying to stay on top and get a head this year and not leave everything down to the last minute with only a few weeks to go, so first I will start with my fresh faves for the month.
Due to the over excess of food and alcohol last year my skin has been suffering big time.... all the toxins I have consumed in calorific amounts,... I have the Birthday and christmas celebrations to blame for this, have been seeping out of my pores so desperately trying to escape my body.... this lead to an continuous string of breakouts in my skin over the first few weeks of this year. After turning up to do a full head of highlights on an always immaculate client, I saw that she was covering her (spots) I couldn't see them with sudo cream. My normally flawless client was using that method, so it must work. Of course il will give almost anything a try once so here I am actually writing this blog, with my face caked in the beautiful “cream of sudo” in hope that my spots will vanish in the morning... failing that at least I will be as smooth as a babies bottom and hopefully look a few years younger.
Now my hair I have previously blogged about this before you will find it in blogs. Coconut oil is my fav beauty product of all time. It works wonders on the inside and out. This month I am concentrating my coconut efforts on my hair and smothering my long locks in this oily coconut treat from heaven. Its natural oils recondition my also, over processed hair with all the nutrients it needs. It leaves a natural shine with its slight sent of coconut... who wouldn’t want their hair smelling good enough to eat.
With the weather turning so ridiculously cold and the central heating turned up to full blast, my lips are really suffering the abuse. They are continuously dry and sore, so I am smothering them every evening with vaseline. I am using the Rosy lips slightly tinted vaseline so il look pretty while I sleep... actually that could sound a bit creepy. My lips though, they are loving the moisture right now soaking it up over night leaving me soft and smooth for the days application of lipstick.... Now lipsticks where do I start I have so many, pick a shade, pick a colour you name it, iv probably got it..... My ultimate January fave first made an appearance in my birthday make up tutorial over on my youtube channel in early December... Mac’s Fleshpot has now made an almost, every day appearance in January and has actually stared in my “ natural January make up tutorial” uploaded to my youtube channel at the end of last week. This warm nude shade is not too bold for the fresh relaxing start to the year. Its an easy colour that works with every outfit. Its perfect for day to day or even to glam up in an evening. It takes that loud and proud statement makeup down a notch, to a "i'm over here ready when you are" appeal. Nows the time to start looking after you lips start prepping and softening them ready for next months valentines, of course you want to be ready who knows where that valentine will come from, cupid can strike at any time...
So if the face and hair is looking fresh, then what better way to finish my look with a fresh set of gel nails. I am so in love with O.P.Is “Love Is In The Bare” gel colour, this perfect little shade of neutral with a very small hint of pink lets the natural pigment of your nails shine through leaving that very slightly French polished look. Who doesn't want to be a bit more Parisian these days.
Immaculately manicured I feel flawlessly finished and ready to take on the world... well I would but I wouldn’t want to brake a nail....