Well, it has probably been about 6 months since I wrote my last blog post. Life really has been a crazy blur of brides, travels and duty frees! So Happy New Year and all that! A Fresh start not only for a year but for a whole decade!!!! It really is a chance to put the past in the past and start a massive new chapter. I have been seriously slacking in the social department so as its New Year and all, I vow (excuse the pun, I work in the wedding industry) to be more frequent with my blogging to give you guys a better quality of blog posts, and spend more time writing about what you would like to hear (you ask a question, you sure are going to read about it), and opening up about my journey. So, the usual New Year New me blah blah blah. I'll be honest, I'm not changing who I am this year. Not because I think I'm perfect, or because new year’s resolutions don't work out, but because last year I already put down the foundations to my new lifestyle. I'd say that I had the most amazing 2019! I really didn't want it to end. I can honestly say that it wasn't until the last half of the year until I really found myself. That I could finally be free of the past, and finally realise that I was making myself happy. So, let me tell you how 2019 went down. The year of finding myself and what adventures led to it possibly being the best year I have ever had!
Professionally I gained this newfound confidence in myself after years of doubting my ability. Over the years it's far too easy to lose who you are. What music do YOU like? What do YOU want to eat? What do YOU want to do? I had lost the person I was and had absolutely no idea who was it that I wanted to become. I have studied my craft throughout my entire career, I have over 15 years of experience in the hair and beauty industry and I knew I was good. I just lacked the confidence to believe in myself. With this newfound courage, I proceeded to focus on work and became a partner at the Kent Wedding Centre. I moved forward quickly with this new passion for my job and threw myself back into the wedding business. I had set up my new concession at the Kent Wedding Centre and brides were joining my client base. I appointed a mentor who helped guide me in the right direction. Keeps me excited and up to date with business. I continued to study and signed up to some courses to perfect my bridal skills. These were my best investments. My work has improved dramatically. I have so much more to offer to my future brides, and I am so excited to fulfil their dreams. I love my job and have worked so hard over the years; I am so happy that with my regained confidence I am able to enjoy every minute.
Socially, I was lucky enough to travel to Thailand, Menorca and Germany. All such different places from each other, all with different people. I feel so blessed to have such beautiful people in my life that really want to share these memories and such special moments with me. I got to see the white sands on Phi Phi island. If anyone has watched ‘The Beach’ then you will know exactly where that is. It was heavenly. I remember watching ‘The Beach’ many years ago and just thinking “what a dream!”. Did I ever think that 19 years later (yes 19) I would physically be able to touch the sand and smell the sea? The sea really is the bluest you will ever see. Looking into the distance you couldn't tell where the sea stopped and the sky began. The sand could easily be mistaken for salt except it was so soft on my skin as my feet strolled along the beach to the bar, to order yet another cocktail. It really was paradise. I got to meet some rescue monkeys in the sanctuary, joined the hustle and bustle of the busy markets, and found peace alongside the Monks. The temples were beautiful with the sense of calm that flowed out of them. I could easily be absorbed into that world. I could go on and on about the adventures of Thailand, but this blog is to just a quick run through of my top moments. So Phuket, were one of the greatest adventures and I am privileged to be able to add you my journey. I visited Menorca for 21 days of pure relaxation, I saw some amazing views and didn't realise how beautiful and clean Menorca really was. I was encouraged to get in the sea and conquer that fear that I have been carrying around. I was terrified, but I did it, and it was one the most relaxing, tranquil moments that I cannot wait to do again this year. It was on this holiday that I fell even more deeply in love with life. I finally realised that the journey I have been on really is the right path for me. That all the heartache, health problems and grief have finally been set free. I was becoming a person that I have learnt to love and a person that I am proud to be. So, to top this year off was one final plane trip to Germany with the kindest group of friends that I could ask for. We went to Hamburg and I can now tick that off my list. There wasn't a great deal to do there other than drink mulled wine and sing Christmas songs. There was a market stall on every street corner, Christmas lights everywhere. I dragged these friends around the parks and the sights before finally settling in some Irish bars. I can honestly say that I have never laughed so much in my life. I'm pretty sure half the time we were laughing at each other, but my sides were about to burst, and my cheeks hurt. To sum up Hamburg, there is no other way than, “We laughed out loud, a lot!” So, all Christmas ready, I returned home from “the calm before the storm” called Christmas.
Health wise I am well! Extremely well! The most well I have ever been. My graves is in remission and after fighting for over 6 years I have finally gained my health back. It's such an amazing feeling that finally I am healthy and that's something we always take for granted. I cut my big nights out to less than 5 a year, if that. I found peace with everything and everyone that I mentally needed to. I let go of the hurt, the pain the anger, the stress. Life is so much more pleasant when you learn to let go, to move on to be free in life. I eat as healthy as I can, I drink on the odd occasion, I exercise, and I live my life as I wish. I don't have limits other than my diet. It's called the financial diet. (More blogs coming later in the year on that!) Throughout the last part of the year I have been changing the way I work and think. I have been organising my time differently, and this has been the most relaxed Christmas I have ever had, I managed to enjoy time with friends and family, around work. Presents were all wrapped days before Christmas which is a first. Changing my attitude, being happier and more organised in my life has helped contribute to a smoother ride. So, there's no point in me setting New Year resolutions, I have already started as I mean to go on. I have diaries for everything! Cleaning, food, shopping. Spreadsheets galore. You name it, I've organised it (could be another blog in the pipeline). It might sound crazy, but these new habits really are giving me my life back. I’m making life easy. Yes, it takes a little time to organise, so I suggest if you’re lazy then these habits are not for you, but it makes day to day living run smoothly. It gives me more freedom. I have more me time, to relax, to read a book other than when I’m on holiday. I’m embracing the calmness of my life the more hours in the day I seem to find. The life I had lost for so many years amongst the chaos. I’ve started shifting weight again as I have more time to exercise. I walk for hours on my day off. I love nature. Being outside soothes me, It's good for my soul. So, what will I change for 2020? Absolutely nothing! I'll just make sure that I do a hell of a lot more of what I have already been doing. Life is for living and I’m finally smashing it! I am ecstatic for what 2020 will bring. I have already put my plans and designs in place. Let's make it our year! Our year of health, happiness and success. Cheers to being the best people we can be, and a decade of more laughter. We've got this!!!
PS looking back at the photos, I also had a weekend away with the gang for Jays 30th weekender! Couldn't forget, it was a blast!!! More images of my journey will be uploaded on my insta as I am now finally more organised.